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Somethin’s brewin’... 18.06.08

I think I probably drink too much coffee. I’m not sure when this realisation dawned on me, but I’m pretty certain that, even if I didn’t want to admit it, I’ve been aware of this for a while.
Perhaps the fact that one of my kids once said to me – “dad you are addicted to coffee,” played a role in it, or maybe it was when somebody once asked my wife if she woke up grumpy in the morning and she answered “not until I have him some coffee made first.” Or perhaps I just knew all along.
Oh, hey, I know you’ve only started reading this, but please hold on, I’ll be right back.
(Insert short pause here) ... Dum de dum, dum de dum, dum de dum...
Okay, sorry about that, had to get a mug of coffee.
Where was I? Oh yeah, that coffee addiction thingy.
But hey, before you start judging let’s get this straight, I usually write this column early in
the morning when most of my brain cells are still fast asleep (and most of a few means that I have very few awake), so grabbing that mug a second ago is a normal reaction for many people first thing in the morning.
Umm, or is it part of the addiction thing? I’ll have to try and think about that when I’m more awake.
Anyway I’m not sure about what I should do about this whole coffee addiction thing, or even if I should do anything at all, perhaps I’m not as addicted to the stuff as I think.
It’s not like I’m thinking that after I die I could be cremated so I can spend the rest of my days inside a coffee jar or anything like that. I just like the kick I get from the stuff.
Okay, so I just like the kick I get from the stuff maybe ten times a day, umm, maybe I am just a teensy weensy bit addicted.
But, hey that’s okay too. I mean there are far worse things I could be addicted to. Still I guess I should be thinking of cutting down.
In fact it was the whole thinking about cutting down that re-surfaced the whole question of whether or not I was addicted in my head this week.
You see I wasn’t planning on cutting down cos I realised I’d just gone over my ten a day limit, it was more a thought on what I could do to help with this whole water conservation thingy.
I’d like to be able to say that I’ve already played my part by not washing my car for instance this week, and while it is true that I haven’t and this probably has played a part in saving water, it is also a lie.
I think, although I cannot be certain about this, that I did wash my car once last summer, and I’m glad to continue to play the conservation role in maintaining this policy.
But I wanted to do more, and well, not taking a shower was just out of the question.
So my options were limited. I could stop watering the flowers in my garden, which took ages to pick out in a garden centre and plant, and which help bring colour and life and vibrancy to the outdoor space around my home. That’s not to mention how much they cost to buy in the first place.
Or I could cut down on the amount of coffee that I drink every day.
When I set it out to myself in black and white like that, it made for a simple decision really.
Now I’m just hoping the garden doesn’t look too bad filled with dead flowers...
the weekly
column of
Liam Porter.
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